Accounts are billed for usage from the 1st of each month to the last day of the month. Typically we will get bills in the mail by the 6th of the month. You can also access your account online through e-Biz to securely view or pay your bill online.
You can pay your bill online (with e-Biz), by phone, mail, ACH or in person at our office.
Payments are due in the office by the 20th of the month, regardless of the postmark date.
e-Biz is an online portal for members to access their account information, including billing, usage and payment history. Members can also make payments and update their account information.
This is a monthly charge that is a flat fee designed to recover a portion of the costs associated with delivering electricity to all members. It reflects the investment that the co-op has made in infrastructure such as poles, wires, transformers and equipment necessary to provide you with electric service. It also supports fleet, facility and customer service functions, such as line maintenance, right-of-way clearing and general administrative responsibilities. Regardless of how often you flip on the lights or watch TV, these costs are part of the bill so that electricity is available when you want it.
If one member uses only one kilowatt-hour of electricity and another member uses 1,000 kWh, Union County Electric still incurs approximately the same cost to build line, maintain the system and deliver electricity to both customers. It takes just as much equipment to deliver 1 kWh as it does 1,000 kWh. This is why the monthly facility charge is important in recovering a portion of the fixed costs of delivering electricity.