South Dakota Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)
The energy assistance program will help pay for your heating costs. This program may not pay for your entire bill. Energy assistance is based on a first come basis. If you qualify, the payment will be made directly to your energy supplier.
Rural Office of Community Services (ROCS)
ROCS Weatherization Program is designed to help low-income households overcome the high cost of energy through conservation measures.
If you are a veteran, we thank you for your service. The following organizations may be able to help if you have experiencing financial difficulties.
The American Legion has a temporary financial assistance program available to help meet veterans with the cost of shelter, food, utilities and health expenses.
The VFW offers a wide range of assistance programs aimed at helping veterans of every generation. Whether that means providing free, professional help filing or appealing a VA claim, offering scholarships for post-secondary education or providing emergency financial relief when times get tough, the VFW is there for America's veterans.
One of the missions of the Salvation Army is to provide emergency assistance. The Salvation Army of Siouxland may be able to provide you with assistance
Union County Electric Cooperative oversees and Operation Round-Up program. At times, we have funds available to assist those members who have fallen on hard times.