Affordable Electricity Powers Quality of Life
Most of us use electricity, either directly or indirectly, at almost all times. Usually, we don’t even think about it. Because electricity is so abundant and available with the simple flip of a switch, it’s easy to take it for granted. But thinking about how we use electricity can save us all a little money.
According to the Energy Information Agency (EIA), the typical U.S. household now uses more air conditioning, appliances and consumer electronics than ever before. The average home also contains 10 or more internet-connected devices. Considering everything that is powered by electricity, it’s no wonder we occasionally might wince at our monthly bill. But keep in mind, it’s no longer just the “light bill.”
Electricity powers quality of life
Electricity powers our quality of life. From the infrastructure of your home (appliances, water heater and HVAC system) to charging your smartphones, computers, TV and Wi-Fi router, your energy bill covers so much more than lighting.
Today, there is more demand for electricity than ever before. At home, in schools and business, and in commercial sectors such as transportation, the need for electricity is increasing.
Typically when demand goes up, so too does the price, as is the case with most goods or services, like cable or even your favorite specialty coffee. Providing power to our members sees the same laws of supply and demand that you see in other commodities.
Did you know that Union County Electric Cooperative pays a higher rate to provide our members with the electricity that they need during certain periods of the day? The most expensive period of the day is typically in the evening, when demand is highest. This is because everyone is returning home from work or school and drying a load of laundry or getting dinner on the table. You might wonder how your evening routine could make a difference. But when most people are doing the same thing, at the same time, the usage really adds up. This is when we see our members using the most energy, which results in our costs being higher than at other times, when demand is lower.
So, the next time you are enjoying a nice family evening, consider the value of electricity and how it enhances your quality of life. But also consider shutting off unnecessary lights, or waiting to dry that load of laundry until you go to bed. By making simple, small changes to reduce your electricity usage in the evenings, you can do your part to conserve resources and help avoid costly purchases of power.
We care about you, the members we serve, and understand that electricity is more than a commodity––it’s a necessity. That’s why Union County Electric Cooperative will continue working hard to power your life, reliably and affordably.
Until next month, stay safe and God bless.